

You can dance(你可以跳舞)

Every dance with the guy Who gives you the eye(和那个凝视你的男人跳舞)

Let him hold you tight(让他紧紧拥抱你)

You can smile(你可以微笑)

Every smile for the man Who held your hand Beneath the pale moonlight(对那个在暗淡的月光下紧握你手的男人微笑)

But don't forget who's taking you home(但是别忘记是谁带你回家)

And in whose arms you're gonna be(你又该属于谁的怀抱)

So darling, save the last dance for me(哦,亲爱的,把最后一支舞留给我)

Oh, I know That the musics fine Like sparkling wine(哦,我知道这音乐就像是闪亮的香槟)

Go and have your fun(去玩得愉快些吧)

Laugh and sing(欢笑,歌唱)

But while we're apart(但当我们分开时)

Don't give your heart to anyone(不要把你的心儿交给别人)

And don't forget who's taking you home(别忘记是谁带你回家)

And in whose arms you're gonna be(你又该属于谁的怀抱)

So darling, save the last dance for me(哦,亲爱的,把最后一支舞留给我)

Baby don't you know I love you so(宝贝,难道你不知道我爱你)

Can't you feel it when we touch(我们相拥时难道你没感受到)

I will never never let you go(我将永远不会让你离去)

I love you oh so much……(我是这样的爱你)





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